Becker Offers Miners Customized Gas Monitoring With New Smartsense Unit


Gas monitoring in the past is required an extensive list of equipment for your mining site. Customized gas monitoring often required multiple sensors, extensive calibration and training on the part of many employees. With a simple hand-held readout monitor that operates on a wireless data system, you can get a reliable gas monitoring that you need in some of the most difficult environments on earth.

Becker Mining America’s smartsense unit is a gas monitor that uses an onboard computer to automatically calibrate the sensors. The monitor can be placed in the mining area and left there for an entire shift. It will take readings regularly and send the data wirelessly to a central location. If the any harmful gas level  is detected, an alarm will go off and the miners can be evacuated immediately.

This system is much easier to use than the old systems, and it is more accurate as well. The best part about it is that you can customize it to your specific needs. You can calibrate the system based off of the needs of your mining site as well as generate automatic reports of incidents or ongoing gas levels in areas of the mine site.

Having these tools at your fingertips can help to eliminate inefficiency in your mining site as well as reduce costs. One handheld device can reduce your maintenance costs as well as the process of set up and calibration.

For more information about this product, please visit the Becker Mining America website. We can assist with helping you get set up with this system as well as determining which version of the gas monitor is best suited to your  needs. Please contact us today to learn more about this product and how it can benefit your mining operation.

This post was written by Justin Tidd, Director at Becker Mining Communications! For over 15 years, Becker Communications has been the industry’s leader in Gas Monitoring System and electrical mining communication systems. As they expanded into surface mining, railroads, and tunneling they added wireless communication systems, handheld radios, tagging and tracking systems, as well as gas monitoring.