5 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Retirement


Retirement is an exciting time for many as it signifies the end of their working years and the start of a new period of leisure and pleasure. However, if not properly planned for, there are several errors that could jeopardize your retirement and leave you in financial distress.

If you ever read the workspace trivia questions, you might have seen the question that reads, “What is the most common cause of bankruptcy in the United States?” If you guessed medical expenses, guess again. The answer is actually credit card debt. In fact, over 60% of all bankruptcies are caused by credit card debt with an average balance of $15,000 per person.

This blog post will examine the five most common mistakes individuals make while preparing for retirement and how to prevent them.

Not Starting to Save Early Enough

Not starting to save for retirement early on is a common mistake. The sooner you start saving, the more time your money has to grow and the less you’ll need to save monthly. For instance, if you start saving at age 25, you’ll need to save less per month compared to starting at age 35./


Remember this rule: start saving earlier will make you relax after.

You might be thinking that it’s too late now to start saving for retirement, but it’s not. You can still make a plan today. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, there are a few things you can do right away:

  1. Figure out how much money you’ll need when (or if) you retire
  2. Start putting money into an IRA or 401(k) account every month
  3. Set up automatic withdrawals from your paycheck so that money goes straight into your retirement account every month
  4. Invest in other types of assets, such as real estate or mutual funds
  5. Start saving for your children’s education
  6. Pay off any debt you have (especially high-interest credit cards)

Not Saving Enough Money

Another common mistake that people make when planning for their retirement is not saving enough money. It’s important to save as much as you can each month, as you’ll need a significant amount of money to live on during your retirement years.

The amount you’ll need will depend on your lifestyle and how long you plan to be retired, but as a general rule of thumb, you should aim to save at least 10-15% of your income for your retirement.

Not Diversifying Your Investments

It’s also important to diversify your investments when planning for your retirement. This means investing in a variety of different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, rather than putting all your eggs in one basket.

Diversifying your investments can help to reduce risk and increase your chances of earning a steady return on your investment.

Not Having a Plan

Failing to plan is a common mistake most people make when preparing for retirement. It is crucial to have a definite vision of your desired retirement and make a plan to accomplish those objectives. This may involve setting a budget, developing a retirement savings plan, and creating a list of your retirement goals and the steps you will take to achieve them.

Not Considering the Impact of Inflation

Lastly, it’s crucial to take into account the effect of inflation on your retirement planning. Inflation refers to the rate at which the prices of goods and services rise over time, and it can significantly impact your retirement funds.

For instance, if you’re planning to retire in 20 years, the cost of goods and services will probably be higher than they are currently. It’s essential to include this in your retirement plan and save enough money to cover the higher costs.


Retirement is a time to kick back and have fun, but watch out. There are still a few blunders that could jeopardize your financial stability if you’re not vigilant. By avoiding these common mistakes and being strategic in your planning, you can make sure your retirement is cozy and secure.