How To Choose The Right Business Phone Systems For Your Small Business


Browsing through and selecting the right business phone systems for your small business can be pretty difficult, and this selection process can be even more stressful when you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for in terms of infrastructure, system features and overall business operations.

Every company needs reliable telecom systems to help them provide top-quality customer support, address client needs, reach out to leads and internally communicate—which is why these investments are so important for everyone.

There are many factors that company leaders should consider while they’re selecting a business phone system, and we’ve teamed up with the telecom experts at Data Talk to develop this guide on how to choose the right phone systems to match your team’s unique needs!

How To Choose Between Business Phone Systems

Business phone systems offer a wide range of functionality and features for business teams to choose between, and the right telecom solutions for your company are likely different as compared to other organizations.

As you evaluate your ongoing options throughout this complicated investment process, you should consider the following steps:

Assessing Your Team’s Business Phone System Needs

A crucial initial step for every business is to thoroughly assess their telecom needs at the very beginning of this buying process.

This includes considering the number of in-office and remote employees you’ll put into your new phone system, the overall size of your business, and your company’s physical location. You should also consider how quickly you need your system up and going, because time constraints can sometimes narrow down your third-party supplier options.

This type of assessment will go a very long way in terms of pointing you in the right direction toward a business phone system that matches exactly what you need. There are many different business phone system categories that you’ll inevitably choose between, and you should be asking your team the following questions at the beginning of this process:

  • Does your business phone system need to include physical desk phones?
  • Could your team get by with a virtual phone system that utilizes mobile devices?
  • Are you comfortable with a VoIP phone system?

Conduct Business Phone System Marketplace Research

Once you feel like you understand your company’s unique telecom needs, you’ll then need to start doing your research about the business phone system marketplace. This type of research should include developing a shortlist of telecom providers that are based in your local area.

You’ll need to understand what makes certain phone systems different from one another, and you’ll also want to read plenty of online reviews about specific telecom products and services. The more research you conduct, the more informed you’ll be about what may or may not be the right direction for your phone system investments.

Experiment With Business Phone System Free Trials & Demos

A lot of the most reputable telecom providers will offer prospective clients an interactive demo or free trial period to give them a glimpse into what it’s like to use certain telecom products on a daily basis.

Free trials and demos are great ways to sample phone system services without making any firm commitments or immediate investments. One thing that’s great about this strategy is that you’ll be able to experiment with many different telecom features and find out what works for you and your team.

Get Accurate Quotes From Reputable Third-Party Telecom Companies

Once you’ve completed your demos and free trials, you’ll then want to request some quotes from contending telecom companies in order to compare their prices. At this point, you should know exactly what you’re looking for and how certain telecom providers differ from one another in terms of things like customer service and provided features.

One thing to keep in mind is that many telecom providers will offer discounted yearly rates and charge higher for monthly billing. It’s also possible that some telecom companies will have additional fees for certain features that you should consider as well.

Read Customer Reviews

Online customer reviews can truly be invaluable for business leaders as they’re planning to invest in business phone systems, because these reviews will give you a good idea as to what other business teams have gone through with specific products and providers.

Reviews typically share very honest information about telecom providers and their products, which is more objective as compared to reading through commercial websites. And when it comes down to it, you shouldn’t settle for a business phone system or telecom provider with a bad reputation.

Reach Out To Data Talk When You Need Help While Shopping For Business Phone Systems!

There’s a lot that entrepreneurs need to consider while they’re searching for their next business phone systems, and the above tips are only the beginning in terms of everything that goes into these vital business investments.

If you need help finding your next business phone systems, check out the link at the top of this page and speak directly with the telecom experts at Data Talk to learn more!