3 Stages of Addiction That People Should Know About


Substance abuse may destroy relationships and transform once-successful people into miserable shells. Even if the situation is dire, there is a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. A treatment program can help people who are struggling with drug abuse by giving them direction and help.

Knowledge of the five steps of rehabilitation can aid addicts and their loved ones. Each section tells you how to find the problem, admit it, get ready for addiction therapy, and deal with drug use that doesn’t stop after treatment.

Step 1 – The Phase of Initiation

Early-stage addicts are not ready for any form of addiction therapy. At this point, individuals are more willing to defend themselves and justify their actions. Many individuals discuss how fantastic their preferred substance is, but they rarely discuss how dangerous it is to abuse it.

Due to a lack of knowledge, a person may remain in this phase for an extended period of time. This remains in the precontemplation stage due to the destructive effects of previous unsuccessful recovery attempts and other therapeutic alternatives. In the precontemplation stage, pre-contemplation individuals do not even consider healing. The reality is that everyone can experience any phase.

Step 2 – The Working Mind

The following phase is defined by the ability to contemplate matters. This indicates that the individual is prepared to make a change in the world, but not at this time. In contrast to the previous stage, individuals now realize that not using drugs is healthier for them.

However, they are still well aware of the advantages of drug use. At this stage, the individual is more receptive to persuasion, which is crucial for their families and treatment centers. You can help them go to the next level if you refrain from pointing fingers, evaluating their worth, and making accusations.

Step 3 – Care and Maintenance

During the maintenance phase, the recovering addict strives to maintain abstinence. They have adhered to their new routines, which include attending meetings, exercising frequently, engaging in healthy hobbies, remaining clean, and resting extensively. Because they are less likely to relapse than those in the action stage, their self-esteem improves and they begin to believe they can remain sober for life.

This phase can continue anywhere from six months to five years, depending on the severity of the addiction, the individual’s genetic makeup, and their prior exposure to comparable conditions. Some individuals must abstain from drugs for a minimum of six months before they can overcome their addiction. The majority of people require a two- to five-year commitment before they can completely stop the habit for good.

If you or someone you care about needs assistance with drug usage, Spectrum Detox Westborough is here for you every step of the way.