Sell jewelry the right way and make profits!



You can sell jewelry by setting up a booth at your local flea market on weekends, or you can make yourself available by advertising in the classifieds for a great price. You’ll need to take your jewelry with you to display, as well as enough money to cover what you want to spend on it. Before you go out into the field though, make sure that all of your items are well-made and that the stones are all set securely. This will help people feel confident about buying from you and if any one piece is broken or falls apart, then they probably won’t buy anything else from you either. Some people also use newspapers and periodicals as an alternative way of advertising themselves or their products.

How to sell jewelry:

Although you may have a great piece of jewelry in mind that you are looking to sell, it’s important to remember that every single buyer is different and has different buying habits. For example, if you were to try selling your jewelry at a flea market and the person who buys it presents you with a check, then you can assume that they are making an effort to pay their bills on time and therefore have good credit. However, if the person buys your jewelry but shows up at your house the next day asking for cash or wants to buy other items from you instead of paying in full, then there is one big red flag: they’re not being honest with themselves or with you. It’s best to always be honest with yourself, your customers and your employers.

Be able to manage:

It’s important that you are able to manage the finances of your household. If you are not financially responsible and have trouble paying bills on time then you aren’t going to be well-liked or trusted. The same goes for people who aren’t willing or able to pay their bills on time. You may make some money at first doing this, but in the long run it will hurt your reputation and you won’t get as many customers as you think that you will get.

How to find buyers for jewelry?

So now that you are ready to sell some of your jewelry, where do you look for buyers? If you do your homework and research as best as you can, then you might want to contact people who have advertised on sites such as Craigslist. There are many different options out there when it comes to selling your things and the more time that you spend doing research, the more likely you are going to come across the right buyers with good credit that will pay in full and on time.

How to protection:

Of course, in this world there is the possibility of getting scammed. That’s why it’s important that before anyone buys anything from you or if they have already bought something from you before, that they have a form of identification.

Tips to Sell jewelry:

1) You can sell you jewelry on eBay. You can send your jewelry items to the store in a box and have feedback on what you do, or have them shipped to a different address so that they are not traceable back to you.

2) Another way of selling jewelry is through pawn shop. If you want to sell your jewelry because it looks outdated then pawn shops may be able to help out with that. They will give discounts if you bring a piece back in that has been there for awhile and after a while, the amount will be paid off by them.

3) In order to sell your jewelry at retail, you can go to a specialty store that is a market for these items. You can always advertise in newspapers and magazines and ask if you can put up a table at the flea market.

4) You can sell your jewelry directly to customers in your home or through mail by placing ads in the classified section of your local newspaper.

5) Another good option is checking out local events, fairs, parties and other groups that are geared towards women. These are good places where you might find people looking for something new or different with their jewelry pieces.

6) Another option you can use is to buy a piece at a shop, then sell it to someone else and make a little profit from that.


Selling jewelry is a great way to get some extra money for bills and other things that you might be running low on, but also make sure to enjoy your jewelry as well. Some people have found out the hard way that by selling jewelry all of the time, they ended up not having any pieces left in the end because they just kept buying more.